Aww, Ruby, we just can't get enough of you. Month 7 has been a month of developing new routines and you've become more consistent in your behavior, personality, and likes/dislikes. You LOVE your sister. She is probably your favorite thing in this world. There are times when Ginger can meet your needs, when Paul and I can't. She can sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to you anytime you are crying or whining, and you will stop and smile at her. Ginger loves you so much too! She gets the biggest kick out of making you laugh. She will push you in your swing outside on the swingset, and you two will just giggle and laugh, and she'll give you a kiss and it's like you both need nothing more in this world than each other. For this brief moment in time, you two just adore one another. Soon, things will change, if I know anything about anything. :)
Month 7 has been the month that you've started sleeping really well. Only waking once or so a night for a quick bottle, then back to bed. You are determined(!!!) to do your own thing, and are not easily influenced. Though it presents a ton of challenge as a mother, I will try to foster your ability to navigate this world on your own terms. As long as you also have a strong sense of compassion and empathy.
You are starting to get 'over' pureed foods. You never really loved purees, prefering any kind of soft finger foods instead. Which is fine by me- I love watching you take your first bites of rice, banana, peach, etc.! I think it's because you watch Ginger eat all of her yummy food, and you just can't watch and not participate. These days, you have decided to just spit pureed foods all over your face, the high chair, mommy, whereever, in favor of using your little fingers to pinch and place fun foods in your mouth. Determined, I tell you!
I love both of my girls so much ♥
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