Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

Well, they say the Saints won- I wouldn't know as we didn't follow the game much today, maybe just a check of the score here and there. Though it was Superbowl Sunday, Paul and Dad made the most of this weekend building their hot rods in the garage. Mom came up and hung out with Ginger and I, and we sure had fun! Ginger was a crack-up today, this girl is turning into a little comedian! She definitely loves to giggle and laugh, and today was no exception. We decided to put together her buggy car that her aunties and uncles got her for her birthday- she loves it! She climbed in and couldn't wait for Paul to install the seatbelt. Mom and I took a walk down the block, pushing her in the buggy, and she was grinning ear to ear. Later, mom and Ginger took another little walk around our cul-de-sac, and as I watched through our front window I couldn't believe that my little baby is so grown up- enough to take walks with grammy! I read a quote the other day that explained how having a child is like having your heart walk around outside of your body. This is so incredibly true- it's just such an amazing experience being a parent. Even better than anyone could ever dream of describing...

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