Friday, January 14, 2011

Month 1

Holy cow, we have a 1 month old people. That went FAST. Things have been up and down day by day, with great moments, and those that have been challenging. Ruby is a gassy girl, let me tell you! Week 3 was a tough one, and once I finally decided to give up all dairy products, faithfully use Mylicon and gripe water, and burp her religiously, I think we have things under control. I miss milk. And cheese. And ice cream. But you do what you do for your kids, and at least this is helping me get back to my preprego weight! 15 lbs to go (although I still want to lose another 30, as I was at my peak weight when I got pregnant with Ruby!)

Ruby is starting to enjoy the few moments of being awake in this world, despite a few weeks where all she wanted to do was nurse, sleep, cry, or poop. She is now going to 15-45 minute stretches of looking around, following things with her eyes, and just beginning to make cooing sounds. It's here, finally, the time where we finally start to get back after giving, giving, giving. Phew!

I am exhausted. Paul is exhausted. But we can't complain, we have a beatiful healthy baby girl who is growing and (re)teaching us things every day.

A few days ago, Ruby's cousin baby Jake was born under extremely challenging circumstances. He is a little fighter, but it has provided a terrible scare for our entire family and makes Paul and I feel even more alert about how easy we really have had it. My poor brother and sister-in-law are having to learn a lot of tough lessons, on their first child, and all we can do is help to support them and love them. I just wish they could have had a more normal first child delivery experience. But as long as Jake remains healthy, that is all we can hope for. Find the sunshine instead of the darkness.

So, we are marching along. Ginger continues to make progress in the big sister category, although she is still a bit of a bull in a china shop. Every day she wakes up, she asks for her baby sister. When she comes home from daycare, she immediately asks for her baby sister. She wants to sit next to us while I'm nursing. She wants to snuggle her while we give her tummy time. She wants to help swaddle her. She SCREAMS "MOMMY, MOMMY!!" when Ruby wakes up, crying. Luckily Ginger hasn't been bothered from her overnight sleep- that girl sleeps like a log.

So, there you have it. G4, over and out :)

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