Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My little tag-a-long...

Ginger is getting better and better at long stretches of errands with Mommy, and it's so fun to have people oodle over her. Everyone seems to love babies these days, even the girl that cuts our deli meat comes out from behind the counter to see how Ginger is growing each time we visit.

Here's another bow we bought- this one came in a set of 3, pink, white, and purple, and they're a little more scaled to Ginger's head size! I love the last photo, where it appears that Ginger has her hands on her hips- too cute!!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

The bows are adorable! I think though that girl's colorful tights are what I will miss the most by not having my own little gir. :-(