Friday, July 3, 2009


I'm a little behind in blogging lately, it's been a busy week and I've been meaning to catch up. On Sunday, June 28th, Paul and I sat down to feed Ginger solid food for the first time. We made it to our goal of waiting until 5 1/2 months to start her on solids, but boy was the last two weeks hard. She was beginning to reach for our food, and we felt guilty eating in front of her, as her eyes would widen and she would get this look on her face that said "FEED ME!!". We waited because I wanted Ginger to get the benefit of being exclusively breastfed for as long as possible, but we started last week so that on her 6 month check up, I would have already introduced her in case I had questions for the doc.

Well, anyhow, we decided to start on rice cereal, and I kinda wish we had just started with straight foods. Of course, Ginger LOVED it and took it down like a champ, she was practically reaching for the spoon to feed herself, she was so ready. It could have been anything on that spoon, she would have eaten it just to prove she was ready. I loved watching my eager little beaver slurp and chomp away, what a great moment.

After 3 days of rice cereal, we moved onto bananas and not surprisingly, she loves bananas. I think I ate at least 1 banana every day of my pregnancy, so I expected she would love them (and most babies do, anyhow). I've decided to make her baby food after reading and talking to a few of my friends, so next she'll have avocado, then sweet potatoes. It's going to start getting messy, I fear, but we're ready for it!

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