Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ginger's 6 month portraits

I've been horrible with keeping up the blog these days, what used to be daily posts are turning into weekly ones! Anyhow, here are several of the final portraits of Ginger at 6 months- we think they turned out fabulous! If you ever need a pregnancy or baby photographer (other than my fabulous friend Kymberli at of course) you should really look into Tina at Barefoot photography ( She does amazing studio work!

I had to include what we call the "Diva" shot. :)


kymberli q. said...

Ah, thank you for the definitely did not have to do that, but that was sweet. :) I am not the "prop"-py baby photographer, so people should definitely go to Tina as she has it mastered! These are adorable...I absolutely love, love, love the diva one! LOL I think those moments don't always seem great at the time, but when you look back at the photos later, you totally laugh and smile thinking about it. I love it! I also really love the beanie and the foot one :) and of course, I love the family one. Ginger is a PRO at this better watch out! Riley barely looks at the camera! LOL

Jumping Lizard Girl said...

Great photos! I love the bright tutus. You look fabulous, Wendy...the family shot is gorgeous of all 3 of you. Precious!

xxcassiesmithxx said...

My FAVE is teh diva shot. That's great. It's like she's saying "What??? my milk isn't warmed up yet?? I'm outta here"

Wendy G said...

thanks ladies. It's funny, because when we went to look at the photos to choose which ones we would get, we fell in LOVE with the Diva shot. We were laughing, because even when Ginger's crying, she's adorable to us. The photographer told us that alot of families refuse to have their child photographed while crying, but hey, if the moment presents itself, why not capture it!?!