Friday, February 27, 2009

First "rush to the doctor" trip...

Well, it was inevitable- our little girl was bound to need to see a doctor outside a normal visit at some point, and what a story it was. The night before last, my mom and dad came up to spend the night and see Ginger, and right after an (unusually large) evening nursing session, Ginger decided to spit up. She usually has a little spit up here, a little there, but this was the motherload- it was probably at least an ounce or two, and it came out both her mouth and her nose. It was enough so that it landed on my pants and pooled on my lap.

Since then, my poor girl has barely been able to breathe! She has been heavily congested, and you can even hear it in her chest- it absolutely breaks my heart to see her this way. So, after a night of sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed (and her sniffling, snorting, coughing, and crying) we took her to the doctor's office today. Turns out this isn't all that uncommon, spit up coming out of her nose (but I swear this was like a full feeding coming out, not just a few drips). All we can do is give her saline drops and use a bulb syringe to try to coax out all of the mucus.

I now understand the pain that others have described to me when they see their children in pain. I see her in tears and it just kills me. I think I've told her "I'm sorry" about a thousand times now (because of the unusally large feeding, I should have seen the signs that she was full).

Oh, a mother's it begins.


Jumping Lizard Girl said...

Oh, little sweet pea! Congestion is the worst on infants...but thank goodness for that bulb. That thing was our best friend for months with both Flynn and Dixie. Apparently, they didn't recommend it with Flynn but one of the nurses snuck it to us and said to use it. I'm so thankful for that. We used it in mouth and the nose. That bulb was more important to us than anything the first 6 months.

Sending you both big hugs!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, poor Ginger and Mommy. I know it breaks your heart and you feel helpless when all you want to do is take away her pain and tears. I hope she feels better. When Jacob was congested Dr. Khandar (his dr) told us to keep him slightly elevated when he sleeps so that the mucus doesn't pool up in his nose. We purchased a wedge from Babies R Us and it worked great. Also there is a saline spray that Babies R Us sells that has a great nozzle that gently sprays the saline in their nose. I believe it's called Little Noses Baby Saline Spray. I hope she feels better soon.

kymberli q. said...

Aw, poor Ginger! Hope she is feeling better. I had a "rush to the Dr." trip too a couple of weeks ago. I noticed milk coming out of Riley's nipple - I freaked out. I went to the Dr. and he squeezed it out of both. He said it was common - that it was from the hormones that was still inside of her when she was inside of me. It's gone away since then like he said it would, but it freaked me out! He said it really freaks out parents of boys! LOL I know how you felt! Just wait til immunization time. I'll probably be crying all the way there! LOL Hope Ginger is better soon if not already!

Sammy's Mommy said...

AHHHH Poor girls!! We called Sam our "Happy Barfer". This was a common occurrence in our house due to acid reflux. You will become a professional with the green booger bulb. We still use it. I cannot wait until we learn how to blow our nose.

We thought we would be fancy and get the battery powered booger extractor... DON'T waste your money. The good old fashion bulb has far more "umph" and gets the job done much faster and easier.

Give your wee one a snuggle for me.