Thursday, July 17, 2008

today's visit with Dr. Marcus

Today was another doctor visit with Dr. Marcus, which I always look forward to. My appointment was for 9:30am, however as I was getting into the car at about 9:20 (his office is really close which is so convenient!) I get a call from the nurse saying Dr. Marcus had a delivery this morning, and they needed to push me back to 10:30am. When I heard this, 1) I let the delivery have the right of way- that's what I would want when I'm ready to pop! and 2) I'm glad they caught me before I left the house, so I wasn't sitting in the doctor's office for an extra hour!

Anyhoo, I went to see him at 10:30, and there were just a few things to highlight about my visit. First, the office manager sits me down to go over costs, my insurance, etc. And I realize, even though I have good insurance, babies cost MONEY! Regular delivery is this, C-section is that, payment plans over 4 months, all must be paid by the end of 7 What a way to start the appointment. But little baby g will be worth every penny. And we've been saving so we'll be ok.

Then, Karen (the sweetest nurse in the world!) takes me back, weighs me (1 lb up, I can handle that) takes my blood pressure (all normal) and we get to hear baby g's heartbeat with the doppler. If you recall, baby has been stubborn about letting us hear it with the doppler, and for a moment today was no exception, but then we hear it loud and clear. 150 which is right where we should be, Karen says. Phew!

So, Dr. Marcus comes in, talks about hcg levels, mine are a little bit high and we've done 2 sets of blood work to monitor, and they're going down, but there still a little bit high. They're still in range, but he is going to have me continue to do blood work just to monitor, so next week we'll do it again. No problem, Dr. Marcus- please be as cautious as you'd like! I'll keep giving the blood without hesitation!

That's about it. I find out today that there are no more copays for office visits, which is nice to know since I've been going in every 2 weeks or so (b/c of the bloodwork). Dr. Marcus tells me that within a month or so, we'll be able to find out the gender of the baby, which we can't wait for!! We're just so excited about all of this, these days...

1 comment:

kymberli q. said...

Yea for no more co-pays! The girl told me no more too and I was like, "are you sure?" Yea for healthy babies too!