Monday, July 13, 2009

Ginger's Dedication

I think I might possibly have the most wonderful child in the world. I know parents always say this about their kids, but Ginger was a CHAMP yesterday for the entire day and I just can't believe how blessed we are.

We arrived at the church just a few minutes before the service, which was technically 5 minutes late, but I was just happy that we made it showered, dressed, and ready to go. Ginger LOVES the first part of church service, because we go to a church that is contemporary and plays worship songs with a full band, lights, and great music. So she is usually thrilled to hear the music and dance along. Then came baptisms, which as part of our faith is a conscience choice you make, so babies aren't baptized- rather they are dedicated to the church by the parents, who commit to raise their child to love and know God. Anyhow, after about 5 baptisms, the pastor came to the front and invited Paul, Ginger and I (and godparents Shanna and Randy) to come on stage. Ginger was handed over to the pastor, and he held her up to the congregation (probably at least 500-600 people) who ooohed and awwed at how beautiful she was. Pastor even commented that she was gorgeous and how lucky he was to get to dedicate her. He spoke to us about how excited he was that we were committing to raising Ginger as a Christian, and then said the most perfect prayer for her. As we were praying I was tearing up with joy, so happy that my little girl was getting to experience this. She was an absolute doll- no fussing, no crying, just curiously staring at the congregation and pastor, it was so fantastic to watch. We were seated again, and Opa took Ginger into the family room to play with her while watching the sermon through clear glass doors. Apparently they had a blast together- my Dad found a plastic cup that cracked and crinkled when he squeezed it, and that's all he needed to keep her entertained.

After church, we took a few pics, and then came back to our house for a bbq celebration. A few friends came over, but it was mostly family...

Oh my gosh, I forgot to write about the BEST part of the morning!! So when we get to church a few minutes early, my whole family was already there standing around the area roped off for the dedication family, and I look over my shoulder and big brother Mike. I'm tearing up as I'm writing this because I love him SO much, and after he and his family moved to Texas 3 years ago, I've missed them all SOOO much. Mike and I have a special relationship and are a LOT alike in many ways. It was a COMPLETE shock and so unexpected, I started crying when I saw him! I wanted to stop time and just hang out with him for a whole day but the show had to go on!

Anyhow, so he was at the BBQ along with the rest of my family, and Ginger got to play with her bestest friend Ryen, who is 3 months older than her and always teaches her a new trick. This visit, Ryen was crawling and standing with the support of the coffee table, and of course Ginger watched her in awe. Later that night, Ginger was rolling all over the living room and pushing up with her arms, trying to figure out to get her legs to move. She was FULL of laughter throughout the BBQ, squeeling and laughing while playing with her cousins and auntie/uncles.

The BBQ came to a close like a whirlwind- we turned around and it was already time for people to leave. I wished again that we could have just stopped time and enjoyed the company longer, but Ginger was pooped and others had a long trip home. It was the most amazing day, and I'll never forget it. My girl is now a child of God, and that makes her mommy so happy! :)

Here are a ton of pics from the day!

1 comment:

kymberli q. said...

This is wonderful! I teared up reading it! I'm so glad Ginger was so good through the entire thing! She must have known it was a very important day! You all looked beautiful and Praise God that there is another child being raised in the faith! God bless little Ginger. I really need to do this with Riley but we don't have a church that we belong to. We've been meaning to try out some because I've really wanted to dedicate Riley, so this may be the push I needed. Thanks for sharing the story and again...God bless little Ginger Lauren all all of you! :)