Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The small things...

I always worry that by the time our family expands and grows older, I will forget the small stuff that is so cute about my little girl. So I thought it made sense to blog about just a few little things that I don't ever want to forget.

*I love the way Ginger falls asleep lately. I'm starting to put her down in bed not completely asleep, and so when I lay her down she turns to her side, grabs the blanket I lay over just her feet, and cuddles with it to comfort her to sleep.

*When she nurses, she is SOOO active lately. Her legs are usually up in the air, her hands playing with her toes, she hums while she's chomping away, and when I lift her up she now burps on her own, and thinks it's hilarious (sometimes we'll play the burp game where I make a sound that mimics a burp, then she'll follow up with a real one and she's so proud of herself she grins ear to ear)

*She has started to capitalize on her fake cough and use it strategically. At first when she started, Paul and I thought it was cute and we would do a little fake cough back at her, and all of us would giggle. Well, that was the WRONG idea because now she fake coughs all the time (just a little tiny huh-huh) and waits for us to play back with her. Sneaky little one :)

*She now knows the word "kiss" and will slober on your cheek when presented to her. It's still open mouthed, but we play the kiss game back and forth and she loves to give kisses. I'm hoping she'll start closing her mouth soon!

*She also knows the word "ribbit" and associates it with her frog on her jumper. Which is interesting, because her sign language DVD is teaching her frog both verbally and in sign, but when I use that word she won't look at/point to/reach over to the frog. But when I say "ribbit, ribbit" she goes right for the frog. Maybe the word ribbit just sounds more fun, who knows!?!

*She spits up. A lot. I think more than others, though the doctor says it's not reflux. She likes hanging out on her tummy, and when I put her down on her back, she flips right over on her tummy, which often time forces a little spit up back out onto her play blanket. I never go anywhere without a burp rag, and I swear it seems like more than other babies I know!

*I've found her more than a few times lately napping with one arm resting up on her bumper. It doesn't seem to bother her, but gosh it looks uncomfortable to have one arm practically in the air while sleeping.

*She no longer likes to snuggle in tight on the shoulder unless she is realllly sleepy. Most times she uses her arm to push off our chest and look around at the world. She'll rest her hand on my chest to stabalize herself, put she is interested in the world around her very much. I talk to her often as we're doing things, whether making coffee, picking up around the house, or walking from one room to another.

*This girl is OVER diaper changing, it requires too much stillness for her! She wants to roll and flip and do anything other than sit still and let me position the diaper. I hate to admit it, but when she does flip her little bum is soooo cute that I just stare at it and smile for a moment before I flip her back over.

That's all for now- just wanted to get it down on the blog before she wakes up from her nap- 2 hours and counting, I am blessed!!

1 comment:

kymberli q. said...

How you have a baby that naps 2 hours is beyond me! (Jealous!) :) This post sounds soooo much like Riley...I love it! I can imagine you singing Ginger's song and when we get together or talk, I'll sing it to see if that's how you sing it before you tell me! LOL Riley's two songs right now are: "The baby Riley Grace, the baby Riley Grace...hi ho the merrio, the baby Riley Grace." The other one that she LOVES: "The baby girl, the baby girl, the baby g-i-r-l, G-I-R-L!" Crazy, I know. But you're doing it too. :)-