Friday, October 15, 2010

31 weeks

Only 9 more weeks (or less!) to go- awho-hoo!!!!! We went to the doctor yesterday for a check-in, and everything is looking just fine these days. Dr. did an ultrasound and I was able to watch as this baby flipped and flopped, punched and kicked, and didn't sit still for a minute! Just like Ginger, doctor was amazed at how much movement was going on, in the visit alone she said some women don't get that all day long! I told her I rarely need to do kick counts because even before 10am I know she's awake, alert, and already given me way more than 10 punches/kicks :)

Dr. also said that baby was measuring a bit larger today than 31 weeks, at 5 lbs 4 oz. typically babies are around 4 lbs at this point, but she also pointed out that ultrasound estimates can be off sometimes as much at 2 lbs. I was also told with Ginger that she would be close to the 9 lb range and she was only 7 lbs 15 oz. so for now she didn't want me to worry. I'll be heading back for visits now every two weeks, my amnoitic fluids look great, everything she said is looking fantastic.

Unfortunately baby girl was moving so much that the ultrasound pic came out rather blurry and indistiguishable. But I scanned it here just to remember. I've also included a scan from the ultrasound 2 weeks ago where you can see baby's (BIG) brain and head front and center!

31 weeks- can't even really make it out, but there's a hand in there!

29 weeks, and that big ol' brain of hers :)

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