Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Now this is the kind of news I need to hear...

Well, all the results are in. While we will need to continue to monitor my progress and the situation, all of my labs came back either normal, or just mild at worst, so doc feels very good about these results. She reassured me today that the point of this escalation was for precautionary reasons, that she wants what's best for me and this baby, even if that means going overboard with precaution when there are any, any signs of need.

So I feel good about that. I know I'm in good hands. Her reassurance was helpful. Things could change in a moment's notice, so I am planning on taking it easy, reducing my overextended workload (trying to be the hero before taking my maternity leave, not the right thing to do I'm realizing now) and taking care of myself and this baby first. I have a great support system and I just need to remember that I can lean on them and not try to do everything myself!

Thanks for all of the prayer and encouragement to my faithful blog readers. I'll keep you all informed of how the next 10 weeks (or less?) plays out, I'm sure!

And to my baby girl, thank YOU for kicking me, punching me, and remaining active throughout these past few days. It gave me confidence to know that you're a strong litle fighter in there!

1 comment:

kymberli q. said...

So glad! Will continue to keep you and Little Miss in my prayers, though!