Thursday, August 27, 2009


is my last day as a full time stay-at-home mommy with Ginger. The guilt has officially set in, and it's not pretty. This is not going to be one of those "look on the bright side" posts, I can't muster feeling anything but incredibly sad that I will not get to see Ginger's smiles and hear her giggles at my leisure. I am miserable that I won't be here every moment of the day. I remember telling other people that I'd never make a good stay-at-home mom, in fact even when I was pregnant I thought that I would savor the moment of returning to work. Not a chance. I'm sure I'll transition, it'll be hard, but I'm just not even willing or prepared to deal with that right now. For now, I'm just sad.


Jumping Lizard Girl said...

Be Sad...unfortunately, it is. I'm so sorry.

kymberli q. said...

This made me sad, Wendy. :( It's OK to be sad about it and it's OK to say it everyday for awhile if you need to. I wished we lived a little closer so that maybe I could have watched her a couple of days out of the week so she could have had a little playmate. Just take it one moment at a time...don't think too much in advance. Maybe that will be easier. I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but I probably can't.

((((Big Hugs))))

Wendy G said...

Thanks girls. Kymberli- I wish you lived closer too, I would have taken you up on that offer in an instant! She will be right next door at my neighbor's house, who is very sweet and loves Ginger, but I still am miserable that she will get to have these special moments with her now. Hopefully once I plant my feet and feel good about the relationships I will build with my clients, then I'll work at home MUCH more often and figure out how to balance work while still being able to see Ginger at least part of the day, every day. But I know it's going to take at least 60-90 days to get there. Ugh.

Michelle said...

I've been there. It's very hard. Good luck! For what it's worth, I think it's harder on the mama than the child. You'll just learn to make the most of the time you have with her. I've found that I'm much, much more patient and really in the moment with my babies now that I don't see them all day long. But, I still miss them terribly.