Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Down to 1 final bottle!

Well, it's taken me longer than I anticipated, but this morning we went for it and decided no more morning bottle. In my mind, she was going to lose it, so I continued to give her a few ounces of milk to get her morning started, but after learning that a friend from work has a baby 3 months younger than Ginger, who is just weaning from the final bottle, I knew I needed to get the show on the road.

As in most cases, it was all in my mind. She did just fine! She rubbed her eyes and tried to grab my hand, looking for the bottle, but we went straight for the high chair, where I had preset a bowl of cherrios, and dropped some milk into the bowl. I gave her the spoon, and she was looking at me with a "HUH?" expression on her face. But one bite and she was smiling, awake, and happy girl.

Now, onto that final evening bottle. I hope to cut that within a week at most- my doctor tells me she really has no need for a bottle anymore, but it's comforting to the both of us! But I know better, I need to help little one grow up and be a big girl. :)


Tiffany said...

Ok, you are going to be my motivation!!! We still have a morning and night time bottle!! I know we need to give them up, but its ME!! I just cant face the reality that my baby is growing up!!!! She will probably do way better than I expect! :)

Wendy G said...

You can do it, Tiff!! It was all "me" too...I didn't want to face the fact that she didn't need a bottle anymore, just like you. Surprisingly, I felt very proud in the moment, despite thinking I was going to be so sad, etc. Just watching her slurp those cheerios, still sleepy and waking up, it was a moment I'll never forget!