Friday, April 9, 2010

SURPRISE!! (...again....)

I just knew it. As early as my birthday, April 3rd, I knew I was pregnant. See, I was at the mall having Ginger's spring photos taken, and something felt different, or vaguely familiar, should I say. Everything was fine until the moment we went back to view the photos and make our selection. I started feeling a bit nauseous and crampy, and was alone with Ginger, still having to walk through the parking lot, get her strapped in, and get her home. On the day before Easter.

Needless to say I was sitting in traffic, dialing Paul on my cell and telling him "get ready for me to fly into the driveway- I'm feeling terrible". As I got out of the car, Paul stated "well don't you always feel a bit off this time of the month?" as I shot a glaring look back. Yep, I knew I was pregnant.

I still waited faithfully for my monthly friend, and alas, she never came. On the 6th I was nervous, on the 7th anxious, and on the 8th I just couldn't take it anymore. So at 7:55am I was off to the drugstore. And the pregnancy test sat in my car, while I distracted myself with errands (I took a few days off work because we were thinking about taking a vacation, and it never worked out, but I kept the time off anyhow). Here's some irony for you- I went to grab a terriyaki bowl to eat while my car was getting an oil change/car wash, and you won't believe the fortune I got in fortune cookie. It said "An unexpected visitor will bring you good blessings". Really?!?!? I just couldn't wait any longer, that was toooo telling for me- I knew, just knew that I was pregnant.

So, I come home, race to the restroom, and take the test. I sit and watch and for about the first two minutes- I see nothing. Not one line or two, I saw NO line at all. But, by the 3rd minute, there it was. That second pink line. No denying it.

Yet again, this was not "planned". Although my mom points out that I can't really say that if I'm not on birth control, which I have not been. I had an IUD inserted and removed a few months ago- I was one of those statistics that got the nausea, cramping, and my body rejected the IUD. After that, I wanted to just be free for a little bit. Well, here you go with "a little bit".

We are experiencing a range of emotions right now, mostly due to the fact that we didn't take control over deciding when we would take this next step. I mean, since finding out I was preggo, I've read a TON of women who have a 5, 6, 7 month old baby and are already preggo. God Bless them- I think I would faint if that had happened to us. So we can't complain, Ginger is 15 months old, and will be just shy of 2 years old when baby #2 is born. A little younger than we had planned, but we'll take it.

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