Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mommy and me day...

So, Ms. Maureen has been under the weather and called out sick today. Which means that I got to stay home with Ginger today (and Paul will take tomorrow, if neccessary). Ginger is FULL of life these days, so I knew that being couped up all day in the house would get pretty boring for the both of us!

I've always been a little jealous of my stay-at-home mom friends that get to take their children to story time at the library, so I set out to find what time our local branch held storytime. We were in luck- it was hosted today, at 10:30am. So, off we went!

Can I share a little secret, between you and I? Ginger was the (and I say this in the most loving way!) monster of the class. Out of 8 children, she was the one running around, trying to climb on the chair, not excited about giving back the musical instruments, and no interest in sitting on the mat to watch as the librarian read the story. Now granted, the other children were either 3+ years old, or under a year (not walking) so she was the only one really in that stage where she does NOT sit still for every long.

But here's the best part- I loved EVERY minute of it. As she ran around the community room, shaking her maracas while it was quiet story time, I smiled and had a hard time resisting laughing. Sure, part of me wished that she could have understood the intent of the 30 minutes, but this girl had no fear in exploring, smiling, laughing, and skipping around the room filled with books.

Afterwards we stopped by Paul's work, where proud Daddy walked her around and showed off how much she'd grown up since our last visit. She has a few women there who ADORE her, so we left for lunch with a few new little toys.

Paul, Ginger and I enjoyed a quick lunch at Rubio's, then headed back to drop Paul off, and then G and I headed home. Take a look at this priceless shot as we pulled into the driveway- clearly this girl had a GREAT day so far!

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