Thursday, July 15, 2010

18 month Doctor's appointment

Our Ginger is a well baby, that's for sure! This morning was her 18 month check up, and I decided to bring Paul along because I was so nervous about having her get shots being so aware of what was to come. I completely overreacted, of course. She was fine!

First, Ginger weighed in at 23.8 lbs, and was measured to be 33 1/2 inches tall (no longer called "long"- that was always so weird to me!) We get to see her growth chart on the computer which shows that she is in the 95% for height, and right at 50% for weight. Dr. Shah couldn't be happier- he said kids no longer are measured in a "good" category if they are too high on the weight chart, so the goal these days is 50%. And this girl can chow some food, so she has a healthy little metabolism and digestive system.

Dr. Shah always brings in a new book for Ginger, this time it was "Clifford goes to Bed". He reads the book to Ginger, which talks about mommy taking clifford into his bedroom, then getting his teddy bear, then getting a blanket, then getting a kiss goodnight. On each page, before he would say what Clifford would get, he asked Ginger the question- what is he getting? Proud mom alert- she got each one right- teddy bear, blanket, kiss.

As we were waiting for the nurse to return with the shot, I explained to Paul that that was a test, that Dr. Shah was watching for Ginger's ability to listen and pay attention, her verbal skills, etc. He was dumbfounded- totally thought Dr. Shah was just a hell of a doctor, giving Ginger a new book and actually reading it to her. We both laughed about that...

Then nurse comes back in, and 1-2-3 Ginger gets her shot, cries a few tears, and then is back to her old self again. Thank goodness she only got 1 shot today, Hepatitis A. Afterwards, we all go out to a family breakfast at our favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant called Kountry Folks. Ginger LOVES eggs, sausage, hash browns, french toast, she is JUST like her mommy in loving breakfast foods. Here is a few pics we snapped- clearly this girl was NOT phased by her shot, right???

1 comment:

Jumping Lizard Girl said...

It took me a minute to get what the doctor was doing. My jaw dropped when I read that part and then I went, "aaahhh." STILL, pretty amazing doctor...and little girl you have.