Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Going to...."school"...

Lately, we've been using the term school to reference Ginger going to her daycare, as Ms. Maureen is spending an hour or two daily on teaching pre-pre-school lessons. Ginger is learning her colors, of which her favorites to say are "yellow" and "blue". She would say yellow all day long if I didn't try to change the subject. It is absolutely adorable, I must say!

This morning was not a typical waking of Ginger (she never wakes on her own, I have to get her up at 7:15-7:30, otherwise she'd sleep until 8:15-8:30am. Around 6:55am, I hear her SCREAM bloody murder through the monitor, scream like I haven't heard her scream in a LONG time! I rush in to get her and she had her blanket stuck over her head and I think it scared her. She frightens me by enjoying sleeping with her blanket over her head, almost every day I go in to wake her up and her head is covered with her blanket. Well, today she got to join Mommy and Daddy in bed for a little snuggle time, which is pretty rare given she is usually the last one out of bed in the mornings!

After snuggles, she and I sat and ate some breakfast while Dad got ready, then we switched places and he took Ginger off to school. While waiting for Dad to finish getting ready, Ginger decided she wanted to play with her kitchen for a bit. I took a few quick snaps- and looking at these amazes me at how big she is. She's a full blown toddler girl- no baby left in her!

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