Tuesday, December 2, 2008

34 weeks- doctor's visit

This morning I had a great doctor's visit, well, mostly great. I was able to fill out the preadmission paperwork, so we are set when the time comes to deliver- we'll get wheeled right in. My blood pressure measured great, which I was a little surprised about, to be honest. I've been so swollen and have read so much about preclampsia that I thought my BP would start travelling north. But it hasn't, in fact the doc made mention that I was in a great range, so I feel good about that. Good protein levels, another indicator of no preclampsia, so another thing to feel good about.

Ginger has rotated and is now head down, ready to go. I was able to see her on the ultrasound today, WOW she is getting big! Her head and body looked quite large, which made me a little nervous, but doc said she is measuring in right at 34 weeks, right on target. She was kicking and punching through the ultrasound, it was so fun to watch her moving around. When the doc came into the exam room, she asked how I was doing, and I was mentioning how much of a kicker she is, and I'm sure she hears that all the time. Well, it was confirmed with the ultrasound- the doc said "you weren't kidding, she is REALLY active!" and confirmed that this was a great sign of good health.

I say the visit was mostly great today, because, well, I've officially surpassed the 25-35 lb range. And I still have 6 weeks to go. And I'm not talking 36 lbs (though let's just say I'm not over 40 yet). Doc mentioned that I will want to watch my carbs through the next 6 weeks, and though I already knew I've gained a little too much, it still was hard to hear it. But it just makes me more determined to get my a$$ to the gym afterwards. Paul has absolutely no concerns about it and continues to give me props for working as hard as I do, while being as prego as I am. So I keep it in mind, but won't allow myself to get too depressed about it. It is what it is.

Check out my big ol' belly- amazing, huh?


Unknown said...

Girl try not to worry too much about the whole weight thing. I was just over 200 lbs with my babies and if you are willing to exercise and eat right after you give birth you WILL drop the poundage. Although I have to admit my hips never went back! Props to your hubby, I have one of those good ones too!! I personally think you look great too!!

kymberli q. said...

I am with you. I can't wait to start running again. I'm signing up for a 10K immediately. It will give me time to train. Oh, and I have them NOT tell me my weight anymore. I told them I want to know at the last appt so I know how much to lose again, but that's it. :)

My blood pressure is always low. It always has been my entire life and it's crazy because my family has high blood pressure!

When we had the last ultrasound done (the Dr. wanted to make sure my low lying placenta was still out of the way) the ultrasound technician said the baby was 6 lbs! That was with 6 weeks left. THAT made me a little nervous! LOL

Your stomach looks GREAT! Did you not get ANY stretch marks?!

Wendy G said...

Thanks for the votes of confidence, ladies. Deanna-I am fully committed and actually happy that I am delivering in January- it will give me 4 solid months to get ready for summer! That is a good chunk of time for me, knowing that I can't slack too much, but it's also realistic for me to get back close to pre-pregnancy weight if I work hard.

Kymberli- I was thinking about signing up for a 5k- but now you've inspired me (yet again!) I'll have to think about a 10k now. I've never been a good runner, but you never know! Also- I've been really lucky to not have stretch marks on my tummy (yet) and I hope that continues!

Jumping Lizard Girl said...

Your tummy is BEAUTIFUL! I love it!!! Thanks for sharing.