Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ginger has dropped!

All righty, I think we're officially in the end zone, as this morning I woke up and my belly is in a completely new place than it was when I went to sleep last night. I've been carrying pretty round and high all along, and this morning I woke up to find she is sitting first I was a little scared actually, as I actually felt smaller than I had the night before, but then after much reading I've found that she has dropped into my pelvis, meaning she is almost ready to go. They also call this phase "lightening" and you know what? I really do feel lighter. I can breathe a bit better, which is nice.

Ginger also has the hiccups right now, as she just had some yummy chinese food for her New Year's Eve celebration night. Yep, Paul and I are kickin' it on the couch this evening, planning on playing a little PS3 together and having a low pro (non-alcoholic) night together.

I've been drinking a TON of water (almost 2 gallons a day) since the test earlier this week and feel that Ginger is still poking around in there, so I feel good about our test on Friday. Doc says that if my fluid drops further, I'll go in for an immediate c-section, if my fluid stays the same, they'll go ahead and induce, but if my fluid rises, we'll ride it out and test again next Tuesday. I don't really know which one I'm rooting for at this point, although ideally I'd like to have the experience of the normal "oh shoot babe we gotta go to the hospital NOW" feeling, but I'll take it any way, as long as it makes the most sense for Ginger's health.

Stay tuned!

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