Friday, May 8, 2009

Mommy finally gets some sleep!

Well, other moms told me it was coming...I just never believed them. The night after the Arboretum trip, Ginger slept from 10pm- 7:45am without waking, and I was flabbergasted. I kept checking my clock, and resisted going in and checking on her, in fear that I would wake her and ruin the good thing she had going. The whole next day (which happened to be Cinco de Mayo, 2009) I was celebrating with this lovely lady that she slept through the night, and not just the 5-6 hours "sleep through the night" that some books talk about, really, REALLY slept through the night.

Then Tuesday and Wednesday nights, she reverted to her waking once around 3-4am for a quick nursing session, then back to bed. I thought it was a fluke, maybe because she was so exhausted from her girls trip to the Arboretum...

However, as I'm typing this now, my girl went down last night at 9pm and is still sleeping at 7:43am!! I'm about to go and turn the light on/turn off her fan so she starts to rise, as I'm trying to work on sleeping for her no later than 7:45am (otherwise she's up until 10-11pm, and I've been trying to move her bed time to 9pm. Slowly, it's been working!)

I am so proud of Ginger- she is definitely a great sleeper and I'm soooo lucky. I went to sleep myself last night at 10:45pm (unusually early for me) and slept myself until 7:15 this morning. I jumped out of bed and did a little happy dance, and Paul thought I was one crazy mommy. I think it was the sleep that did it to me :)