Saturday, May 16, 2009

Teething has commenced...

I should have known that life as I knew it was too good to be true. Ginger has been a great eater and sleeper, she's been full of smiles and giggles, and rarely fusses unless she is tired. Two nights ago, however, she woke from her 9pm bedtime and wanted to be held until about 11pm or so. We thought it was a fluke the first night, and I considered that maybe I let her nap too long that day. She was moaning and weeping and we just snuggled and took turns rocking her. That seemed to work. The first night.

Last night, despite taking a bath WITH mommy (1st time in the big bathtub!), reading, singing, and nursing before bedtime, she woke again from her 9pm bedtime. But this time, she screamed bloody murder and no rocking, singing, or comforting would do. Paul and I were brought back to those moments with a newborn where we were wondering "what do we do?!?!". I ended up nursing her again about 2 hours after she last ate, and she seemed to like the comfort and went back to sleep. Wheeeeeeeew.

So, after a lot of research, and reflecting on the signs she's given us in the last week, I believe she has started teething. She's drooling a lot more. She's chewing on anything she can fit in her mouth (including both fists, at times). I've read that a baby who's teething will get crankier at night but be more cheerful in the day, when there are more distractions around- and that's certainly Ginger right now. A few nights ago I mentioned to Paul that she felt a little warm, and I've not read that a low grade fever can be sign of teething (though there's still debate around this).

So, when Ginger wakes from her nap, we'll be going to pick up some of those homeopathic teething tablets. A few moms that I'm friends with have raved about them, and I'm going to try those before dosing Ginger with medication. We'll see how it goes!

And, with all of this said- I cannot WAIT to see those little toothies pop out. I love baby teeth!!

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