Sunday, May 17, 2009

"They call her flipper, flipper..."

Ginger has been a sneaky little flipper- we've now counted 4 times where we go into the nursery to pick her up out of her crib, and she's rolled over (sometimes upset about it, sometimes not upset at all!) It's been a running joke that she won't flip/roll over in front of us, just while she's hanging out on her own.

Well, last night, while Paul was taking a shower, Ginger was doing some tummy time and she rolled over from tummy to back, right in front of my eyes. She then rolled over from her back onto her tummy, again right in front of me. She wouldn't do it again, and of course I didn't have my camera handy, but I wanted it to be documented that our girl has finally rolled over in front of someone!! YAHOO!!

(PS for my "readers" out there (LOL)- I use this blog as much for myself to journal Ginger's milestones as I do to share it with others, so please forgive what might be seen as mundane progress. I want to bind these posts someday and share it with her, so all of this little stuff counts!)


Sammy's Mommy said...

That is what a blog is for!!!
I love being able to share your fun!! Can't wait to meet her in person at the reunion!!

kymberli q. said...

Hey, it's your blog, you do what you want with it! :)-