Monday, May 11, 2009

What a difference a year makes...

Mother's Day 2009- who would have thought I would have so much to celebrate!?!? When I was a kid, I had always dreamed that I would be married by 25, and have a baby by the time I was 30. Well, both milestones were hit right on schedule without even "trying"- Paul and I married at age 24, and I had Ginger at age 29.

Last year on Mother's Day, I was pondering the crazy idea: was I pregnant? I felt different, looked different, and just thought that something was, well, different. My sister, mom and I even talked briefly about it- the whole story was actually my very first blog post on this site.

Ginger is the world to me. I feel like in just these 4 short months, I now appreciate moms soooo much more than I did before. I have cried, laughed, kissed and hugged, played, cleaned, sang, and generally smiled more recently than I have in a long, long time. She can melt my heart with that smile of hers, as well as that lower lip that comes out right before a sob. I love that she is a talkative little one- follows after her mommy! I love that she is a sleeper- just like her daddy! I have been blessed with the opportunity to stay at home and raise Ginger for a little longer than we had anticipated, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. One of our favorite things to do is dance around the living room and sing together, a current favorite is the chorus from a little song called "Crazier" by Taylor Swift that goes "You lift my feet off the ground, and spin me make me crazier, crazier...feels like I'm falling and I, I'm lost in your eyes, you make me crazier, crazier" and that's just what I think about motherhood. I'm crazier, but better for it.

Here are some pics from my first mother's day, spent with my family.

I love you, my little one. You sure make me crazier, but I am better for it. :)


Unknown said...

Oh Wendy....what a doll face Ginger is!!! Precious! I love that you are loving all of the moments with her, the time will go by fast.

Kristin said...

Ginger is adorable! I love the nig bow she has in her hair! Also, the pic with you, Harry, and Julie is a really good one. I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day :-)

kymberli q. said...

That last picture is freakin' adorable!