Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Without getting too personal, I swear I am SOOOO over having PPO coverage for my medical insurance. I've had HMOs in the past, which are limiting at times, and lack freedom of choice for doctors, so when I joined Starbucks I selected a PPO. Even though my premiums are higher, I have out of pocket deductibles, and I now am responsible for coinsurance (portions of bills), I thought it would be worth it.

WRONG! I have 6 bills I am currently disputing. Providers point the finger at the physicans offices. Physicans tell me to call their business center. The business center tells me that my Aetna insurance has instructed me wrong. My insurance tells me their hands are legally tied and I need to call the providers.

It is just out of control. When I go to County, I'm pretty sure I'm going with Kaiser. I've spoken with Shanna, who is a nurse for County, who says the local Kaiser facility is a good one. My friend Cassie delivered at 7 months (very early!) and has told me that the NICU onsite facility at Kasier was a dream for her- they treated her and the baby very, very well. My mom, having just gone through her treatment of breast cancer, can completely relate with the hours and hours of bill review and follow up just to deal with incorrecting claims and billing. I still can't believe that I was going to be paying thousands (yes, thousands) of dollars over this whole pregnancy by having a PPO. Just so that I could pick my doctor? PUH-LEASE...

Guess what. Kaiser is 100% coverage, and a $100 hospital copay when I'm admitted. For this 6 month pregnant woman, that is music to my ears. All of their billing is done by them, internally, which means they have to deal with all of their own inadecquacies, God willing.

I was never a true supporter of socialized health care, until I've experienced the inadequacy of the current system. I just might be a supporter in the future...


kymberli q. said...

Hmmm - there are two girls at my work that b*tch about Kaiser all the time. They have never had a good experience from what I've heard - everytime they are sick they can never get an appt unless they want to go to Urgent Care and wait, but maybe each Kaiser hospital is different. I have a PPO too and so far no complaints - but I've always had that and never had a problem. Knock on wood. I have had to dispute some bills but they were taken care of - maybe you should sign up for a different healthcare provider instead of Aetna? I hope it all works out Wendster. That is no fun at all.

Jumping Lizard Girl said...

SO...I have always HATED Kaiser...with a I would have rather gone without insurance than have them. BUT, Kaiser seemed like the best option through Eric's work and with 2 kids you just can't go without insurance. Let me tell you...I have had THE BEST experience! I love them now...and not just because there aren't any bills. The facility (here in La Mesa) is SO nice, our doctors are great and are very accessible. I have been able to get everyone in for appointments quickly. It's also great because everything is computerized. I can e-mail the doctor and get a response within 24 hours (although it's usually within a few hours). This saves so much time for ME and the doctor. And think of how many patients with real needs can get in to see the doctor now. I can also go online to view my medical well as Dixie's and Flynn's. Prescriptions are sent electronically and there is minimal waiting (we waited 5 minutes). It's awesome! I always thought Kaiser was so ghetto but not anymore...and I am the original medical snob.

I had Aetna with SBUX and I have a pile of bills...but didn't have the hassle you seem to have (my bills are legit). Honestly, I think it's the same these days with most providers (due the cost of the healthcare these days). Gone are the days when you only have to pay $10 to have a baby...that's what I paid with Flynn and with the twins (and those bills were astronomical...over $100,000).

My mom has Scripps (?) and she gets false bills all the time. She'll get bills for stuff she paid for at the time of visit (she always pays up front). Can you imagine if she wasn't organized? She'd end up paying double for everything. You know they do that because there are people who out there who don't pay attention and won't ever notice they've paid twice. Shame on them!

Anyway, I am surprised how much I like Kaiser these days.