Saturday, November 15, 2008

3rd trimester SMACKDOWN!

Well, I guess my 3rd trimester wanted to smack me in the face last night...check out how it went down...

9:15pm- a developing headache became full blown massive, can't look into the tv light or hear sound. must get in bed and close my eyes.
10:30pm- pounding headache still. despite not having taken any meds this entire pregnancy, decided to take 1 tylenol, to see if it would help. potty break too.
12:00am- heartburn attack! drank a glass of milk to see if it would help. potty break too. good news- headache seems to be gone.
2:15am- heartburn attack again (these are PAINFUL)! Took 2 tums. potty break again.
3:30am- potty break.
4:15am- potty break.
5:45am- potty break.
6:55am- potty break.
8:45am- potty break.

Are you kidding me right now? I have had the wake up a few times for potty in the past, but this was out of control- sometimes not even an hour had passed!!!

I also had a crazy dream that I was hanging out with Leona Lewis (pop star) but that all of the kids were making fun of her, so I had to stick up for her around campus. Let me tell you- it was a tough night!


kymberli q. said...

I hear you, girl! Today this weight really got a hold of me and I could feel it when I was doing laundry and trying to clean up the house. Hang in there, just a little longer to go and it will all be worth it! I should get your pics done this week. The week got out of control on us! Al is finished though!

Anonymous said...

Your bladder is getting pushed on by little Miss Ginger and leaving very little room for pee pee. I remeber this stage; headaches and all. I had some heartburn too but suffered through it because like you, I managed to take very little medication while pregnant.