Monday, November 17, 2008

Ginger's Godparents

We couldn't be happier to share the news that two of our closest friends, Shanna and Randy, have accepted the role to be Ginger's Godparents!

Paul and I thought long and hard about this, and knew that for hundreds of reasons, they would be the best best choice for us. For one, they live right up the street and will be a visible presence in Ginger's life. Shanna has been my best friend since 7th grade (can you believe it- we've been friends for 16+ years!) and through thick and thin we have stuck by each other. She is actually responsible for Paul and I meeting for the first time, as she introduced Paul to me in 10th grade and was trying to get us together even back then (Paul and I didn't end up dating until my after my freshman year of college). She's not "my" friend, she is truly "our" friend, having her own friendship with Paul through high school, so Paul respects her and values her, and loves her a ton!!

When I first shared the news with her that we were pregnant, she was genuinely excited for us and has already began to spoil Ginger, even before she is born! She threw us an amazing baby shower, and, well, she is just going to be an amazing Godmother to Ginger. Plus, she's a nurse, she's Catholic, she loves crafts, she loves to shop, she has good taste. Need I go on?!?

I had so much fun posing the question- Shanna's birthday was November 10th, and Paul and I went up to their home this past Saturday to celebrate. We brought presents and an ice cream cake, and Shanna had the pizza and beer (and diet pepsi for me). We watched the UFC fight (my first one ever) and during a break, she opened her presents. We got her a new cookbook (she loves to cook!) and then the 2nd gift was a framed 4D ultrasound picture of Ginger with the following poem:

Dear Auntie Shanna,
I hear that you are a special person to me
From what I hear, I am pretty LUCKY!
I am looking forward to meeting you
And all the fun stuff that we will do
From tubby time to my sippy cup
You will see it all as I grow up

So after all is said, here is the thing
To my life, mommy and daddy love what you will bring
They agreed that there could be no other
So I would like to ask-
Will you be my Godmother?
Love, Ginger

Shanna accepted (of course!) and we all hugged, we extended the invite to Randy, who accepted the Godfather role, and we couldn't be more thrilled. Shanna- if you're reading this (which she will), you are a dear, dear friend and I can't WAIT for you to be such a big part of Ginger's life!!


Jumping Lizard Girl said...

Oh, that's so awesome! It has me all teary now. :) Lucky, lucky Ginger!

Anonymous said...

While we are happy to hear that you used our card to ask your Godmother, we cannot have you post it in a way that people can copy the words. It should also be told that the card you used is protected under copyrights that are from 2005. We sell our cards in almost 500 stores so I am asking you to please make sure you state that the words are Copyrights of Franklin Signature Co and that no one has the right to copy or reproduce in ANYWAY!
I am not trying to be mean but we have spent a lot of money on the protection and development of the cards. I hope you understand. You can reach me on my direct cell at 407-221-1650 or 860-316-5533
Thank you,
Roxy Franklin