Friday, November 7, 2008

Things I love...

With only a few months left before Ginger arrives, I've decided to make every day off I have count, for me. Because I work a 9/80 schedule, I have every other Friday off, in addition to a bunch of extra holidays (aka Veteran's Day next Tuesday, 11/11) Although it's been crazy switching employers while I am this far along, I do have to say that I REALLY enjoy having these days off to myself. So, I try to do something special on these days, instead of sitting at home in my pj's watching tv.

Today, I had so many things that I love happen. First, I got my hair done, and every woman in the world can relate that there is always a new spark in your step when you leave with freshly colored and cut hair. Especially because I am taking my maternity photos this weekend- my roots were a disaster and now look much better! And don't worry, my stylist makes sure not to put the highlights directly on my scalp, so no product can seep through my scalp and hurt Ginger. :)

Then, I decided to head over to the mall, as the Nordstrom's half yearly sale started today. There were so many things that I loved about my day there. First, I love Nordstroms. Don't get me wrong- I am a deal shopper in all other ways, but there is nothing like the service you get there, and I got it all day long being HUGE and pregnant. I stopped by a few makeup counters and picked up a few new things, then headed over to the sunglass section, where I got an amazing new pair of Coach sunglasses for 50% off!! YIPPEE! Then, over to the shoes, where I didn't buy anything (as my feet are swollen and I'd have to buy shoes that wouldn't fit me in a few months) but it was still fun to oogle over all of the boots and heels that I don't get to wear right now.

I stopped by a few other departments and browsed around, and finally decided to treat myself to a late lunch at the Nordstrom Cafe. I absolutely love this place. I don't go enough, and every time I do, I always tell myself that I need to go more often. Again, since this was a day about ME, I decided to splurge for lunch, and had a cup of clam chowder, a side spring salad with balsamic vinegrette, and a french dip (could only eat 1/2 of it cause I was too full by then!)

From the water with fresh lemon, to the amazing servers who kept checking on me (cause I was pregnant and alone, which was FINE by me!) everything was sooooo yummy. It's pretty funny to see how many strollers were in the cafe today, there must have been 5 or 6 mommies there, and it made me smile. I'm sure that before I go back to work, I'll want to take Ginger out for a girl's lunch to Nordy's cafe. Well, we'll see!

Anyhow, I hope that I can continue to make something special out of my few remaining days off before Ginger arrives. I sure did enjoy myself today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous day and you certainly deserve it!!! You are right, nothing beats the nice Nordstrom way of pampering you.