Sunday, August 24, 2008

Crib Decisions!

I am so lucky to have such a great husband. Upon hours of Internet research for different crib and nursery furniture options, I sat down with Paul last night to discuss my findings. I expected him to have a strong opinion about what he wanted to see for our first child's nursery. You know what his opinion was? That if Mommy's happy, he's happy, and he wanted to make sure that I was able to design the nursery of my dreams (on a reasonable budget, of course). Of course, he'll travel around town with me so I don't have to go at it alone, but his main goal (he said) is to ensure we get good quality furniture, and that I find just what I am looking for. What a great husband :)

Anyhow, that leaves me with some tough decisions! I wish I could design 3 baby nurseries, so I didn't have to narrow my choices down to just one! I thought I would enlist others who view this blog (the few of you! Ha) and ask for help in making my decision! Here are 2 of my top choices right now, each in 2 different finishes that I love. Tell me what you think!

Monterey Chestnut Crib:

Monterey Cherry Crib:

Carved Cherry Crib:

Carved Espresso Crib:


Jim, "Homer" said...

both styles are very nice, but I'd have to go with the first style in Monterey Chestnut Crib. I think the lighter finish will hold out better and not show as much wear and tear and time goes on. Kids can get pretty rough, even the little ones.

Anonymous said...

whatever the style...go espresso. YOU have is sooo Starbucks. :)