Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Memories from my past...

On of the earliest memories I have from childhood is going to the public library with my brother, and my mom. She would take us often, where we would enjoy story time in a group, and also we would just spend time in the library reading, and checking out/returning books. From an early age, I enjoyed reading, and I'm sure it was because of my mom's influence and commitment to spending time with books.

In looking forward to raising our own children, I get excited about recreating some of the memories I've grown up with from my own childhood. When I think about the first set of books that really captured my attention, it would be "The Berenstain Bears" collection. I learned about strangers ("Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers"), bullies ("Berenstain Bears & the Bully"), manners ("Berenstain Bears Forget their Manners") and many other important lessons. At the time, I didn't realize that this book series explored a whole range of important issues, but looking back, I can't wait to own this set and read them to my children at night. I hope they enjoy Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Brother Bear, and Sister Bear, and I hope they dream about living in a tree house with the Bearenstain Bears, just like I did.

UPDATE: Well, after this post, I just couldn't resist the 4-for-3 promotion on Amazon for the Berenstain Bear books (for every 3 purchased, get the 4th one free, all with free PRIME shipping) so, well, I picked up a set of 24. Yes, I know, baby G won't even be able to enjoy these for at least a year or more, but hey- they are books, so at least I'm not blowing money on completely frivolous stuff (yet)!

UPDATE #2: UGH! Why didn't I think about Ebay before I went to Amazon?!? I just did a quick scan and could have gotten a much BIGGER lot of books (albeit used, but that's not critical to me) for a much better price. :( Ahhh, the saga of a new mom begin- the "must haves" prevent me from thinking before buying!

1 comment:

Jumping Lizard Girl said...

I love the public library! My mom used to take us there, too...and my brother and I grew up loving to read! My mom started taking Flynn to the library at 1 1/2 yrs. of age and now it's a regular activity of ours. I am so happy you will share this with Baby G and siblings. :)