Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So, I failed the diabetes initial screen, and have to go in for the 3 hour test on Thursday. The cutoff is 140, and I "scored" a 145, which is just above the level they like to see. The nurse told me over the phone that many people who actually end up with diabetes score upwards of 160-170, so they are just being precautionary, but I'm still bummed at the thought of having to be poked multiple times in 3 hours. I really, really hope that it comes back negative, for both selfless and selfish reasons! I don't want Ginger to have to deal with blood sugar fluxes right after delivery. I also can't imagine abstaining from sweets just as we turn the corner to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Silly me- I'll be fine, but you can be sure I'll be looking for sugar-free and lowcarb alternatives!!


Jumping Lizard Girl said...

I failed the first one with Dixie, too, but I passed the 3 hour one. They are very cautious in California I've noticed (which is good).

You should call Marnie...see if she's available to keep you company during the 3 hour. She sat with me for most of mine. :)

kymberli q. said...

Same thing happened to me. Failed the first one, passed the second one. Luckily, the lab was literally an eight of a mile from my house, if that, and I was able to get poked, come home, get poked, come home, get poked come home, get poked, come home. There's actually 4 pokes when people say 3. Here's to wishing you a successful test!! I'm sure you'll be fine!!

kymberli q. said...

Oh, and I was like 180 on the first test! And then passed the second one. Who knows.

Wendy G said...

well thanks for the votes of confidence. And good call, Kymberli, as I live right around the corner so I'll do just what you did!

And Jovita- Marnie sat with you the whole time in person? Dang, she was a good boss AND a good friend to you!!