Monday, October 13, 2008

More difficult than I thought....

You know, it is harder than I thought to find vintage pinup surf decor that hits the mark, so to speak. I've always liked pinup art, it's something that is beautiful and celebrates women in a way that is cute and fun. But lately, I've been trying to find decor for Ginger's room, and maybe it's that I'm becoming a mom- but I'm finding that most of the pinup art is just taking it too far for a baby's room. On one hand, I want Ginger to grow up feeling confident with self expression, but on the other hand, I don't want her to grow up seeing this pinup art and thinking that it is the only standard of beauty!

Usually I find that the truly vintage pinup art (from the 40's and 50's) is more tasteful than the stuff they put out today- it's a lot of "T n' A" nowadays, which is fine, in fact Paul paints a ton of it for clients, but I'm looking for something more middle of the road (I would describe the pic I have at the top of this post as middle of the road). Vintage, classy, a celebration of women, but please if I see so much cleavage and ass that there is no point in wearing clothing, then it probably won't end up in Ginger's room!

If anyone knows of places that have more of the decor that I'm trying to describe, please let me know. It's getting frustrating!

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