Thursday, October 30, 2008


I love computerized medical records. I had my 3 hour diabetes glucose test today, and although it was a lot of pricks, and a lot of driving back and forth, it wasn't too bad. In fact, they had a flu vaccine clinic today at Kaiser, and I decided to get one more prick, seeing as though I was already stuck multiple times. So, that's been taken care of too now (and it was free, which is always awesome!)

Anyhow, within an hour of leaving Kasier, I received an email telling me my diabetes test results were in, and we are ALL GOOD. In fact, my levels are pretty darn impressive, compared to what I thought it would be. I do have a sweet tooth, and have attempted to make good food choices 80% of the time, but I have allowed myself that 20% so that I wouldn't go crazy. The occasional Big Mac, or peppermint mocha (decaf of course) have been treats for me, and I don't worry about it too much.

SO, no gestational diabetes for me. Yahoo! Thanks for the support!

1 comment:

kymberli q. said...

Awesome!!!! So happy for you! That would have been a complete bummer - I felt the same way about it. Now you can eat cupcakes this weekend! :)-